Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (Section 5) - All Filers Are Required to Complete This Page
2. Address
Address1 | 1700 North Moore St, Suite 2250 |
Address2 | |
City | Arlington |
State | VA |
Zip Code | 22209 |
Country | USA |
3. Principal place of business (if different than line 2)
City | |
State | |
Zip Code | |
Country | |
5. Senate ID# 20004-12
6. House ID# 319960000
TYPE OF REPORT | 8. Year | 2011 |
Q1 (1/1 - 3/31) | Q2 (4/1 - 6/30) | Q3 (7/1 - 9/30) | Q4 (10/1 - 12/31) |
9. Check if this filing amends a previously filed version of this report
10. Check if this is a Termination Report | Termination Date | 08/04/2011 |
11. No Lobbying Issue Activity |
INCOME OR EXPENSES - YOU MUST complete either Line 12 or Line 13 | |||||||||
12. Lobbying | 13. Organizations | ||||||||
INCOME relating to lobbying activities for this reporting period was: | EXPENSE relating to lobbying activities for this reporting period were: | ||||||||
Provide a good faith estimate, rounded to the nearest $10,000, of all lobbying related income for the client (including all payments to the registrant by any other entity for lobbying activities on behalf of the client). | 14. REPORTING Check box to indicate expense accounting method. See instructions for description of options. | ||||||||
Method A.
Reporting amounts using LDA definitions only
Method B. Reporting amounts under section 6033(b)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code Method C. Reporting amounts under section 162(e) of the Internal Revenue Code |
Signature | Digitally Signed By: William Hughes, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs |
Date | 10/20/2011 |
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code ACC
16. Specific lobbying issues
Accounting Methods, IFRS Convergence
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Mark |
Warren |
Andrew |
Szente |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code BAN
16. Specific lobbying issues
Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act; Federal Reserve Implementation of Dodd-Frank interchange limitations; Legislation to delay implementation of the Durbin Amendment interchange limitations -- Debit Interchange Fee Study Act of 2011 (S 575) and Consumers Payment System Protection Act (HR 1081); Issues relating to Credit CARD Act; Regulation Z proposed revisions to Ability-to-Pay Requirements of Individual Credit Accounts (Docket No. R-1393);
Regulation Z proposed rules concerning changes to Debt Cancellation Disclosures (Docket no. R-1390)
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Justice - Dept of (DOJ), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Federal Reserve System, White House Office
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Mark |
Warren |
Katherine |
Lugar |
Doug |
Thompson |
Andrew |
Szente |
William |
Hughes |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code FIN
16. Specific lobbying issues
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; issues related to consumer credit; Regulation Z proposed revisions to Ability-to-Pay Requirements of Individual Credit Accounts (Docket No. R-1393) and proposed rules concerning changes to Debt Cancellation Disclosures (Docket no. R-1390); Issues related to the Credit CARD Act; SEC IFRS Convergence; SEC proposed rules implementing Dodd-Frank corporate governmenance changes (including CEO-median pay ratio disclosure, shareholder approval of
executive compensation, whistleblower award program, independence of compensation committees and advisors); HR 1062, Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act; Debt limit; HR 1121, The Responsible Consumer Financial Protections Act of 2011; HR 1315, The Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011; HR, 1667 Consumer Financial Protection Transfer Clarification Act; Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) reporting guidance; Financial Crimes Enformement Network (FinCEN) issues related to Bank Secrecy Act and final rule on prepaid access cards; issues related to notice and request for comment on defining larger participants in certain consumer financial products and services markets, CFPB docket No. CFPB-HQ-2011-2.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Federal Reserve System, Treasury - Dept of, Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), Justice - Dept of (DOJ), White House Office
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Katherine |
Lugar |
Mark |
Warren |
Andrew |
Szente |
Doug |
Thompson |
William |
Hughes |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code ENG
16. Specific lobbying issues
Legislation regarding EPA air regulations; Issues pertaining to energy efficiency, DERA (Diesel Emission Reduction Act) funding, tax bill provision on energy efficient homes
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Kelly |
Kolb |
Mark |
Warren |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code LBR
16. Specific lobbying issues
Employee Free Choice Act; issues related to Americans with Disabilities Amendments, and independent contractor classification Act rulemaking; persuader activity rulemaking, ADAAA regulations, Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act and issues related to unemployment insurance; Proposed Rules Governing Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act; Strengthening Medicare And Repaying Taxpayers Act of 2011(HR1864); mobile workforce legislation(HR 1864);
rules related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148, P.L. 111-152); Legislation relating to the National Labor Relations Board; proposed revisions to the occupational injury and illness tracking and reporting requirements; proposed column for work-related musculoskeletal disorders; Fair Labor Standards Act; criminal background checks; inpatient hospital and amputations
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Natl Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Labor - Dept of (DOL)
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Katherine |
Lugar |
Kelly |
Kolb |
William |
Hughes |
Mark |
Warren |
Christine |
Pollack |
Meredith |
Butler |
David |
Garriepy |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code HOM
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues related to the Safe Port Reauthorization Act; 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act of 2007
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
Homeland Security - Dept of (DHS)
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Kelly |
Kolb |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code LAW
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues pertaining to Organized Retail Crime
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Doug |
Thompson |
David |
Garriepy |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code MAR
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues related to Making Opportunitites Via Efficient and More Effective National Transportation (MOVEMENT ACT)
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Kelly |
Kolb |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TAX
16. Specific lobbying issues
Tax Legislation: Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011 (H.R. 4) and repeal of expanded 1099 reporting requirements; Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010; Business and energy tax incentives/extenders (including 15-year cost recovery for improvements to qualified leaseholds and retail-owned property; deduction for state and local sales taxes; work opportunity tax credit; renewable energy tax credit; Subpart F active-financing and
look-through exceptions); PPACA employer mandate repeal (HR 1744, S20) tax reform generally; value-added/national retail sales tax proposals; proposals to modify/repeal the last-in-first-out (LIFO) and lower-of-cost-or-market (LCM) inventory accounting methods; international tax proposals (including deferral of tax on foreign earnings, foreign tax credits and transfers of intangible property); business entity classification rules, Budget Congrol Act (S. 365). Regulatory: Income recognition rules for advanced payments; expensing and capitalization rules; treatment of vendor allowances; reporting of uncertain tax positions; bonus depreciation implementation, Form 1099k, income reporting. Other: Health care related tax provisions; tax issues related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HR 111-152); FUTA surtax repeal, unemployment insurance reform (HR 1745, S. 386)state taxation of digital goods legislation (HR 1860, S. 971); sales-tax collection legislation (S. 1452, HR 2701).
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury - Dept of
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Katherine |
Lugar |
Mark |
Warren |
William |
Hughes |
Christine |
Pollack |
Andrew |
Szente |
Meredith |
Butler |
Joe |
Rinzel |
Doug |
Thompson |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TEC
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues related to behavioral advertising and data security and consumer privacy
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Doug |
Thompson |
David |
Garriepy |
William |
Hughes |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TRA
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues related to the reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) and SAFETEA-LU; the Federal Aviation Administration Act of 2011; DOT Lithium Battery Rulemaking; Hours of Service Rulemaking; Issues related to reverse logistics; Our Nation's Trade, Infrastructure, Mobility and Efficiency Act (HR 526); Focusing Resourses Economic Investment and Guidance to Help Transportation (FREIGHT) Act of 2011; Clean Ports Act of 2011; DOT's BARR Program
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Transportation - Dept of (DOT)
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Kelly |
Kolb |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code HCR
16. Specific lobbying issues
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148, P.L. 111-152); HR 2; ERISA regulations; HR 1744; S 20; HR 2010; S 1098; HR 1370; FSA/HSA changes; HR 1063; Medicare Secondary Payer; HR 2529; S 1368; HR 605; S 312; Budget Control Act
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS), Labor - Dept of (DOL), Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Treasury - Dept of, White House Office
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Katherine |
Lugar |
William |
Hughes |
Christine |
Pollack |
Doug |
Thompson |
Meredith |
Butler |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TRD
16. Specific lobbying issues
issues related to implementation of conflict minerals provisions in Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act; Free Trade Agreements with Korea, Colombia, Panama; generalized system of preferences, Andean Trade Preferences Act; Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, implementation of antidumping and countervailing duty laws, AD/CVD duty collections; customs compliance issues; Chinese currency valuation; China Trade Issues; textile and apparel trade issues, trade adjustment
assistance; Affordable Footwear Act; trucking dispute with Mexico; issues related to implementation of Lacey Act
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Commerce - Dept of (DOC), U.S. Customs & Border Protection, U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Treasury - Dept of
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Stephanie |
Lester |
William |
Hughes |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code CSP
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues related to implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act;
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S. SENATE, Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Stephanie |
Lester |
Doug |
Thompson |
Jim |
Neil |
William |
Hughes |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code GOV
16. Specific lobbying issues
REINS Act and regulation reform legislation
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
William |
Hughes |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
Information Update Page - Complete ONLY where registration information has changed.
20. Client new address
Address | |
City | |
State | |
Zip Code | |
Country | |
21. Client new principal place of business (if different than line 20)
City | |
State | |
Zip Code | |
Country | |
22. New General description of client’s business or activities
23. Name of each previously reported individual who is no longer expected to act as a lobbyist for the client
1 |
5 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
7 |
4 |
8 |
24. General lobbying issue that no longer pertains
25. Add the following affiliated organization(s)
Internet Address:
Name | Address |
Principal Place of Business (city and state or country) |
| ||||||||||||||
26. Name of each previously reported organization that is no longer affiliated with the registrant or client
1 | 3 | 5 |
2 | 4 | 6 |
27. Add the following foreign entities:
Name | Address |
Principal place of business (city and state or country) |
Amount of contribution for lobbying activities | Ownership percentage in client | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
% |
28. Name of each previously reported foreign entity that no longer owns, or controls, or is affiliated with the registrant, client or affiliated organization
1 | 5 | 9 |
2 | 6 | 10 |
3 | 7 | 11 |
4 | 8 | 12 |