Clerk of the House of Representatives Legislative Resource Center 135 Cannon Building Washington, DC 20515 |
Secretary of the Senate Office of Public Records 232 Hart Building Washington, DC 20510 |
Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (Section 4)
1. Effective Date of Registration | 3/8/2017 |
2. House Identification | 37048 |
Senate Identification | 287771 |
REGISTRANT Organization/Lobbying Firm Self Employed Individual
3. Registrant | Organization | Clark Hill, PLC |
Address | 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW |
Address2 | Suite 1300 South |
City | Washington |
State | DC |
Zip | 20004 |
Country | USA |
4. Principal place of business (if different than line 3)
City |
State |
Zip |
Country |
5. Contact name and telephone number | International Number |
Contact | Mr. Kevin F. Kelly |
Telephone | 2025522351 | |
CLIENT A Lobbying Firm is required to file a separate registration for each client. Organizations employing in-house lobbyists should check the box labeled “Self” and proceed to line 10. Self
7. Client name | Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco |
Address | P.O. Box 7948 |
City | San Francisco |
State | CA |
Zip | 94120-7948 |
Country | USA |
City |
State |
Zip |
Country |
10. Name of each individual who has acted or is expected to act as a lobbyist for the client identified on line 7. If any person listed in this section has served as a “covered executive branch official” or “covered legislative branch official” within twenty years of first acting as a lobbyist for the client, state the executive and/or legislative position(s) in which the person served.
Name | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | ||
First |
Last |
Suffix |
Kevin F. | Kelly | | Chief Counsel/Floor Asst, Sec of the Democratic Conference; Chief Clerk/Maj Staff Dir, Senate VA/HUD Approps Subcommittee |
Lauren | Lipin | | MilLeg Asst/Leg Corresp, Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger |
Jasper | Thomson | | Legislative Assistant, Congressman Dave Camp |
| | | |
| | | |
11. General lobbying issue areas (Select all applicable codes).
12. Specific lobbying issues (current and anticipated)
Banking reform related issues generally; mortgage regulations; FY2017 Appropriations generally; H.R.5394/S.2844, Transportation, HUD, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, FY2017, HUD initiatives and budgetary treatment of government sponsored enterprises; H.R.5485/S.3067, Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, FY2017, generally; monitor budget process as it relates to housing, including housing approps legislation; H.R.5325, Continuing Approps and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Approps Act, FY2017,a nd Zika Response and Preparedness Act; PL 115-517, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; Reg and Financial Products; GSE Reform Issues.
13. Is there an entity other than the client that contributes more than $5,000 to the lobbying activities of the registrant in a quarterly period and either participates in and/or in whole or in major part supervises or controls the registrant’s lobbying activities?
No --> Go to line 14. | Yes --> Complete the rest of this section for each entity matching the criteria above, then proceed to line 14. |
Internet Address: |
Name | Address | Principal Place of Business | ||||||||
Street | ||||||||||
14. Is there any foreign entity
a) holds at least 20% equitable ownership in the client or any organization identified on line 13; or
b) directly or indirectly, in whole or in major part, plans, supervises, controls, directs, finances or subsidizes activities of the client or any organization identified on line 13; or
c) is an affiliate of the client or any organization identified on line 13 and has a direct interest in the outcome of the lobbying activity?
No --> Sign and date the registration. | Yes --> Complete the rest of this section for each entity matching the criteria above, then sign the registration. |
Address | Ownership | |||||
Name | Street | Principal place of business | Amount of contribution | |||
(city and state or country) | for lobbying activities |
% | |||||||
% |
Signature | Digitally Signed By: Kevin F. Kelly |
Date | 3/21/2017 11:19:35 AM |