Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (Section 5) - All Filers Are Required to Complete This Page
2. Address
Address1 | 214 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400 |
Address2 |
City | Washington |
State | DC |
Zip Code | 20002 |
Country | USA |
3. Principal place of business (if different than line 2)
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Country |
5. Senate ID# 400609853-12
6. House ID# 413270000
TYPE OF REPORT | 8. Year | 2015 |
Q1 (1/1 - 3/31) | Q2 (4/1 - 6/30) | Q3 (7/1 - 9/30) | Q4 (10/1 - 12/31) |
9. Check if this filing amends a previously filed version of this report
10. Check if this is a Termination Report | Termination Date |
11. No Lobbying Issue Activity |
INCOME OR EXPENSES - YOU MUST complete either Line 12 or Line 13 | |||||||||
12. Lobbying | 13. Organizations | ||||||||
INCOME relating to lobbying activities for this reporting period was: | EXPENSE relating to lobbying activities for this reporting period were: | ||||||||
Provide a good faith estimate, rounded to the nearest $10,000, of all lobbying related income for the client (including all payments to the registrant by any other entity for lobbying activities on behalf of the client). | 14. REPORTING Check box to indicate expense accounting method. See instructions for description of options. | ||||||||
Method A.
Reporting amounts using LDA definitions only
Method B. Reporting amounts under section 6033(b)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code Method C. Reporting amounts under section 162(e) of the Internal Revenue Code |
Signature | Digitally Signed By: Tim Chapman |
Date | 10/20/2015 3:05:17 PM |
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code BUD
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 2029 "Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016," all provisions relating to the Davis Bacon amendment.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
Thomas |
Binion |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code EDU
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 5 "Student Success Act," all provisions pertaining to the APLUS and Title I portability amendments. S 1177 "Every Child Achieves Act of 2015," all provisions pertaining to re-authorization of ESEA, the APLUS amendment and Title I portability. Issues pertaining to the potential for reintroduction of the "Higher Education Reform and Opportunity Act."
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code FAM
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 2802/S 1598 "First Amendment Defense Act," all provisions. HR 2722 "Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act," all provisions. Issues pertaining to signatories on the Rep. Mulvaney letter opposing any spending bill that continues funding for Planned Parenthood. Issues pertaining to defunding of Planned Parenthood.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Thomas |
Binion |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code HCR
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 6 "21st Century Cures Act," all provisions. Issues relating to the Affordable Care Act and use of the reconciliation process for repealing Obamacare in 2015. Issues pertaining to the mandatory adoption of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), including the financial and administrative burdens on physician practices, delinking the disease classification system from reimbursement policy, and making the adoption of the new ICD-10 code system voluntary. Issues pertaining to healthcare reform and a framework for possible legislation in a post-Obamacare world.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TAX
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 1105 "Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015," all provisions. Issues pertaining to inclusion of the Wind Production Tax Credit in the House tax extenders package. Issues pertaining to the Internet Sales Tax. Issues pertaining a pro-growth tax reform plan.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
James |
Braid |
none |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TRD
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 2146 "Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015," all provisions pertaining to presidential fast-track authority / Trade Promotion Authority (TPA).
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code TRA
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 2353 "Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2015," all provisions. Issues pertaining to a Transportation Empowerment Act (TEA).
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code WEL
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues pertaining to reform of the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code BAN
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues relating to opposition to the re-authorization of the Export-Import Bank as an amendment to the Highway Trust Fund and Rep. Fincher's discharge petition.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
Thomas |
Binion |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code CPT
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 9 "Innovation Act," all provisions.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Thomas |
Binion |
James |
Braid |
none |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code FOR
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues pertaining to potential for enactment of a Cuba Embassy Defund Rider. H Res 411 "Finding that the President has not complied with section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015," all provisions.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
James |
Braid |
none |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code URB
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 2577 "Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016," all provisions relating to transportation, to increasing spending levels for project-based rental assistance, and to tenant-based rental program funding levels.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Thomas |
Binion |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code ENG
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 702 "To adapt to changing crude oil market conditions," all provisions pertaining to lifting the crude oil ban. Issues pertaining to the potential for reintroduction of the EXPAND Act. Issues pertaining to the potential for a disapproval resolution on the Obama Administration's proposed Clean Power Plan (CPP), the cost of electricity. Issues pertaining to repeal of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). HJ Res 59 "Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the definition of "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act," all provisions. HR 2822 "Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016," all provisions pertaining to the Loudermilk Amendment defunding the EPAs Renewable Fuel Standard program.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
James |
Braid |
none |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code ENV
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues pertaining to opposition to the Paris Protocol.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
James |
Braid |
none |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code LBR
16. Specific lobbying issues
HR 1839 "Reforming Access for Investments in Startup Enterprises Act of 2015 or the RAISE Act of 2015," all provisions. S507 "RAISE Act," all provisions. HR 3222 / S 1874 "Employee Rights Act," all provisions.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Select as many codes as necessary to reflect the general issue areas in which the registrant engaged in lobbying on behalf of the client during the reporting period. Using a separate page for each code, provide information as requested. Add additional page(s) as needed.
15. General issue area code LAW
16. Specific lobbying issues
Issues pertaining to sentencing reform and overcriminalization.
17. House(s) of Congress and Federal agencies Check if None
18. Name of each individual who acted as a lobbyist in this issue area
First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Covered Official Position (if applicable) | New |
Jason |
Yaworske |
19. Interest of each foreign entity in the specific issues listed on line 16 above Check if None
Information Update Page - Complete ONLY where registration information has changed.
20. Client new address
Address |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Country |
21. Client new principal place of business (if different than line 20)
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Country |
22. New General description of client’s business or activities
23. Name of each previously reported individual who is no longer expected to act as a lobbyist for the client
1 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
24. General lobbying issue that no longer pertains
25. Add the following affiliated organization(s)
Internet Address:
Name | Address |
Principal Place of Business (city and state or country) |
| ||||||||||||||
26. Name of each previously reported organization that is no longer affiliated with the registrant or client
1 | 2 | 3 |
27. Add the following foreign entities:
Name | Address |
Principal place of business (city and state or country) |
Amount of contribution for lobbying activities | Ownership percentage in client | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
% |
28. Name of each previously reported foreign entity that no longer owns, or controls, or is affiliated with the registrant, client or affiliated organization
1 | 3 | 5 |
2 | 4 | 6 |